Saturday, May 9, 2009

Building & Construction

At the beginning of each month, my daughter’s pre-school sends home a “Parent Share” pamphlet outlining the theme of the curriculum for the month. Included in the pamphlet are the titles to the books they will read, lyrics to the songs they sing, fun facts and food ideas, and theme-related activities to engage the kids outside of pre-school. To be perfectly honest, usually I just glance at the pamphlet quickly then toss it in the garbage. However, this month I actually read the entire thing…then realized how parallel the theme is to my own life.

May is “Building & Construction” month. The pamphlet introduction states, “This month we are under construction! We will explore the various types of jobs in the construction field and examine all the different types of tools workers use to complete the magnificent buildings, homes, bridges, and towers they create! As we explore our monthly theme, the children will experience the building process and the different layers it takes to build a structure. Their explorations will encourage them to do some building of their own as they discover the different types of materials used in construction.”

Now it may sound like a stretch, but this process of “building and construction” is exactly what I, as a relatively new Christian, am experiencing in my walk with God. I am discovering that there are many tools that must be utilized and many layers that must be constructed to build a solid Christian foundation. As I’ve learned over the past several months, becoming a Christian requires a great deal of effort on my behalf. Admittedly, I was one of those people who imagined that- after accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior- my paths would instantly become straight…and I would see the world in black and white. As it turns out, Kingdom Living is a little harder than that…but I do look forward to meeting each new day and each challenge with the Lord Almighty as my guide. On this blog, I plan to provide my (hopefully daily!) testimony of God’s perfect work in my imperfect life.

Put on your hard hats, because construction has begun…

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